Radon Mitigation is able to evaluate and analyze your particular situation, to adapt the most proven systems to meet your needs, perform the necessary work and to perform the required checks, all in accordance with the requirements of NRSB (National Radon Safety Board) américain, recognized by Health Canada.

Our services include the following :

    * A preliminary analysis of the situation and proposed solutions by a registered professional;

    * A performance of works by a radon mitigation experts team.

    * A system check .

Accredited Professional

We work closely with AKTON INJECTION. Recognized and certified by the Régie de batiment de Quebec (RBQ# 8350400110), Akton has all the necessary certifications and works with the most advanced building materials. We are constantly testing new products before selecting the best of the best. We are also Bonded, Insured, CAA approved, and certified by the Guardian Association. So you are assured that the system is installed properly, according to proven techniques and compliance with relevant requirements.


Proven techniques are used in the United States for almost 20 years to reduce radon levels in homes and businesses. Radon Mitigation is one of the first entrepreneurs in Quebec who specializes in these techniques to reduce and eliminate the problems related to radon.
To remedy the problem, there are solutions: sealing of cracks, seal openings and various techniques of active depressurization.
Radon Mitigation can identify and seal all entry points for radon and that, by using efficient products with low emissions and greener on the market.
In cases where the seal is not effective, active depressurization system may be required. This technique is to pick up the radon directly under the slab and vented to the outside. Improperly installed systems can stop working after a year or two and then all over again.
Beware therefore installers of air exchangers or other ventilation systems because, although these can be beneficial to the quality of indoor air, they could have the opposite effect to that desired for the radon.
Radon Mitigation
Technical Analysis
Active Depressurization
Akton Injection